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About asdve23rveavwa

  • Birthday 06/06/1965

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  • Location
    Woodstock physically, mentally I'm already north

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asdve23rveavwa's Achievements

All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Great report Rick!! Some really nice gold.
  2. Apologies to Roy, who I respect, but, you're on the wrong forum Brian. Now if you want OPINIONS about everything from a bunch of guys that KNOW everything. Or, if you want to know how to open a can without a can opener you are all set.
  3. Could be worse, could be the Grey Cup. Enjoy everyone. Fresh perch going in the pan shortly.
  4. Sad to lose that many jobs. As far as prices, and, stock. Had two of my biggest scores ever last year in their camera section. Nikon D3100 for less than half what Best Buy was/is charging for it...plus a Nikon point and shoot zoom for a similar deal. The D3100 after a further price drop was under $150. Should be some good deals during this closing.
  5. Thanks for the reel purchases Roy! I know they've found a good home. You should receive in la belle province, tomorrow.

  6. Thanks for the replies guys!! Forty-five a month is more like it, thanks Mike. Waiting to hear back from one other friend on a place in Tilsonburg.
  7. Wondering if anyone on the board knows of somewhere in the Woodstock area that has indoor boat storage for a reasonable price? Willing to go as far as Kitchener/Cambridge east, and, London west. Used to store my old boat at the DC where I work, but, the new boat's trailer axle measures about 7" too long to fit up the ramp here. Called one place that was supposedly $40 a month, when I spoke to him turns out he wants $300 for the "rest of the season"...until May. First of all I want it back out by April 1st latest, second of all how the heck does that work out to $40 a month...last time I checked that would be $50?! Cheers, Frank
  8. Speaking of baseball. I was up on the big screen at the Jays game yesterday with the J Force girls. Won a jersey and Honda lawnmower!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      did you get the second cut of the summer in with that new mower already?


    3. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Lucky guy, new jersey mower and boat all in one summer.

    4. asdve23rveavwa


      Yeah, Tim. Hanging out with the "J Force" girls for an hour wasn't bad either, lol.


  9. Enjoy!!! Really nice looking rig, especially for a '92!
  10. Pains, Strains and Audible Squeals...been too long since I was in a canoe, feeling it today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Except for the squeals. ;0)

    3. asdve23rveavwa


      LOL, Brian. Insert a clever remark about American beer here.



    4. misfish


      You didnt get drunk on that water did ya? LOL There ya go. I did.

  11. One word.............BRILLIANT!
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